Lake trout newbie - fall tactics?

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Lake trout newbie - fall tactics?

Post by pnutbutter »

After a few attempts jigging this summer I'm still after my first lake trout (saw some on the sonar but couldn't get them to bite). Sounds like tactics need to change as the seasons do. Can I ask you experts for advice on fall tactics?

For fall fishing near shore...
  • People talk about the causeway and the Grand Isle ferry breakwater. Is one better than the other?
  • If the wind was calm I could take the kayak out. I live near Burlington. Do lakers cluster around the Burlington breakwater?
  • What's the best time of day? I normally fish around dawn and dusk but I saw a video with people doing well with lake trout after dark.
Thanks for the help! I'm looking forward to posting my first success photo one of these days.
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Dilly Worm
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Re: Lake trout newbie - fall tactics?

Post by Dilly Worm »

I'm no expert, and I'm not familiar with the Burlington and Grand Isle breakwaters either... but for whatever its worth, I can offer some advice on fall tactics for lakers

You're asking about using a kayak, and the Adirondack rowboat I sometimes use is comparable in terms of ability to get to the fish. Usually once the water cools below the mid-50's F (its been warm / late this year), trolling has worked well for catching lots of smallish lakers not far from shore. Rowing around 2.5 mph (by GPS) in around 40 FOW and parallel to shore around Converse Bay, Split Rock, and Whallons, etc. usually catches a few lakers this time of year. I use lead-core line, and between 2 and 5 colors of lead usually does the trick in mid October - mid November. Spoons like Honeybees #1s, Crazy Ivans, and Speedy Shiners are usually good.

Cold water safety is important if you're in a kayak, rowboat, etc. - I always have a handheld marine radio, stay near shore/other boats, and wear a wetsuit once it gets cold.

good luck, hope to see some photos of fish !
I do not exaggerate when I talk about fishing - I underestimate, like I say "just one more cast honey, then I'll come home" !
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Re: Lake trout newbie - fall tactics?

Post by TUnamas »

Dilly Worm - All good advice! Parsing your message, it has been warm this year, and LC is still 9 or 10 colors down! Bait is deep. Staging hasn't happened yet. Still hoping for a good late fall, but it's been a strange year! Soon the lake will hit 50 degrees and that should get things moving again! I can't re-emphasize your safety message enough. Any small boat at this time of year is a risk! Be safe, but opportunities lie ahead!
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Re: Lake trout newbie - fall tactics?

Post by the_doctor »

I can catch them in November with simple long-lining crankbaits like Challengers or Shad Raps. Caught one a couple weeks back in only 15' or so feet of water.
You can catch lakers anywhere on the broad lake. Burlington can be good.
It's getting past the point of kayaking or canoeing, though. Can try casting spoons near shore too, but get ready to put time in and get cold. Good luck.
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Re: Lake trout newbie - tactics?

Post by AvgJoe »

As another newbie, i wanted to share what's been working for me.

Early spring I use canoe and trolling motor to pick up lakers in Converse and Town Farm Bay. (2) spin casting rods w swivel and little shad raps back from the boat 50'+ that run at 8-10' deep in silver and gold work great. Know the risks associated with little boats and cold water, and know what the wind is going to do.

Now that water temp is rising, you have to get deeper and without downriggers or lead core that can be a challenge w small spoons/lures. This is where the "Mepps Flying C" (7/8oz) comes into play for me.
Yesterday we fished out of Converse between Garden Island and Thompsons point with a South wind so you could drift from lake and back into the bay. Throwing the flying C into the wind and letting the lure sink all the way to the bottom before a slow retrieve was the ticket to success. Break up the slow retrieve with stops, it seems to be when we got the most hits!

Good luck!
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