Port Henry - 11/3

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Port Henry - 11/3

Post by ChessieMan »

Don was butchering a deer, Dave was trying out a new boat and Scott was flying back from Chicago after "trick or treating" with his grandson - so I went solo yesterday.

Got on the water by 8 and was "lines down" in Fishville by 8:15 - besides being a prospecting trip, I was also trying out new releases - Black's - and new DR rods - Okuma Ciello 8'6" (had 2 new balls (DR) too). Set out the two DR - water temp surface - 56F - found 49F at 60 feet down.

Scattered life 55-60 FoW, but no bait balls - worked up the VT side Zig-zagging 80-120 FoW - a lot of faint returns, but nothing to get excited about.

Ran up to Scotch Bonnet - nothing on the southside - but on the north edge 90-130 FoW heading NE, I marked several schools of bait? perch?....had a "hit & run" release - after an hour of nothing, decided to head south to Dudley and reeled up a 10" perch that I'd been towing around for how long??

Just set-up at Dudley when the rain started - it wasn't too bad so I continued - then the wind came up and it got cold and the rain turned hard (Graupel - consists of snowflakes that become rounded, opaque pellets ranging from 2 to 5 millimeters) - let's see - 4 hours - one perch, getting colder, getting wet = "time to go home"

This really didn't bother me as my expectations weren't too high and I was planning on stopping in to visit Fishy on the way home - got to the launch without incident, And that was when it happened - after running the boat up on the trailer, I hopped off only to notice that I ran the boat up a little too fast/far and ran the tow eye up over the roller. Now the smart thing to have done would be to hop in and power off and then back on - but I was lazy, so I backed the trailer down to float her off - unfortunately - while I had put the bow line in the truck bed - I had not secured it - looking back in my rearview mirror I could see the boat slowly drifting out into the channel towing the bowline - behind it - OK time to panic - I hopped out of the truck and after a quick assessment of the situation - found myself waist deep, boots and pants filling with 55F water - I managed to grab the bowline and get things under some semblance of control - but sides saving the boat, all else was lost - warmth, pride,.... and to top it all off a lady walking her dog had watch the whole thing and came up to me and asked - "Did you do that in purpose?"

I didn't have an appropriate answer so I just got in my truck and went home - and needless to say, I didn't stop into see Fishy as I doubted he'd appreciate my dripping a vast quantity of Lake Champlain on his carpets.

Still licking my wounds (mostly mental) and wondering if I'm ready to do it again on Saturday.
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Re: Port Henry - 11/3

Post by Detritus »

"Did you do that in purpose?"

Thanks for the report. I was wondering about water temperatures down there.
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Re: Port Henry - 11/3

Post by finsntins »

sorry to hear about your mishap at the ramp,dont feel too bad,ive seen much worse over the years!!!!!!if you want to avoid dragging fish around on the riggers,get yourself a couple of pinch pads with a 6-8" tether and snap and just clip the pinch pad to the back of your rigger ball.the tether allows your line to move freely when a fish bites,allowing your rod tip to "bounce"when you have even the smallest of a bite.as long as you have a nice light action rigger rod and you cinch it down nice and tight,you will see even a 6" perch bite your lures.
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Re: Port Henry - 11/3

Post by Sawyer »

We had the almost the same results as you 1 small salmon and 1Big Bass. We stayed intel dark.
I lost my bass boat launching in CT River when the boat went off the trailer Traci had the rope but it got tangled and cut off and the boat started out so i did the same as you but before i got to the boat i was in deep water so i swam and got the short rope but trying to swim back did not work and this was in April so the water was very cold. By then i was in trouble knowing that if i try to swim to shore in the ice cold water i would not make it. I tried to get into the boat and could not do it so with Hyperthermia setting in fast i told Traci to call 911 she yelled back the phones were in the boat. trying not to panic as i was drifting out to the middle of the Wilder Dam. i worked around to the motor that was still in the up position thinking that maybe the motor lift might help and when the motor came down i got one food on the lower unit and was able to pulled my self in to the boat. I was as close to death as ever.
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Re: Port Henry - 11/3

Post by dry net »

Wish I had never swam after a boat in April, happens to more people then they will admit.
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Re: Port Henry - 11/3

Post by Reelax »

Thanks for the report Ed… glad to hear everything turned out ok…
Matt B
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