Champlain Walleye

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Champlain Walleye

Post by Dockside »

Is there any attention being brought to highlight something positive in the resurrection of walleye fishing in Champlain?
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Re: Champlain Walleye

Post by digitroll (ron) »

The month of August which used to be our best night action on the Sea from 1980-1987 with spoon bill rebels and bomber Long A's has almost returned to the hey day of that era. Stave Island and Converse as well. Good to see that kind of excitement again and people fishing with success and sharing online.

It's kind of interesting after a bad year of walleye harvests that this year it seems everyone can catch one. Just like the old days.
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Re: Champlain Walleye

Post by Salmoneye »

The guys that do the consistent Walleye fishing don't spread it around...

Though the numbers are down from the 'good old days', there are still a lot of fish out there...

What changed was the lake...The Milfoil screwed the historic fishing spots, the mussels cleared the water, and most people just did not adapt the way the fish did...

I believe that much of the publicized 'success' this year is due to the extreme high water early, and the fact that it kept the weeds from growing as fast...The people that used to catch fish in the historic hot-spots are now using the same old techniques in those areas...

Low warm water year next year, and people won't know how to catch them...

Just my .02¢



No...Nothing positive has come from the feuds and other attention...
There was a young man from Nantucket...
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Re: Champlain Walleye

Post by Reelax »

Very interesting reply Paul... I think your logic make a lot of sense... Thanks for the info... I think the real message is the walleye are always there (these bug ones didn't grow in 1 year) the fisherman just need to figure out how to TGT them successfully in modern conditions...
Matt B
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Re: Champlain Walleye

Post by Wallyandre (Andre) »

I will add my little though.

One thing that really surprise me when I start fishing Champlain is the date of opening season for the walleyes. I heard often that the only time to catch walleye was on the opening and in the river. For my part I think it's very bad because we are disturbing those fish when they are spawning.

In the last years the biologists inm Quebec has made changes regarding the protection of the spawning habitat and they change the opening season date base on the spawning season; the results are very good in some region were the walleyes were on decline they are now in larger number.
Nothing replace the natural reproduction. The biologist also put in place slot limits so it pretect the most fertile fish.

I think they should do something similar on Champlain specially now that they are starting to see some recovering. Unfortunatly my bad English writing doesn't allowed me to explain my idea more deeper.

I can't imagine all the money that you're state will get (and all the fun for us) with a lake known as one of the best for walleye,salmons, lakers, bass
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Re: Champlain Walleye


Andre you are so correct. Protecting the spawning fish should be the number 1 priority of the local walleye association members of NY. I'm always amazed when states do not close this time of year for the walleye. Usually it's because they have a VERY strong stocking program and highly established fish numbers and the calculated fishing pressure is a non-issue. I'm amazed also that the state of NH with it's VERY limited fishery and little attention to the walleye doesn't regulate it's one real good fishery( the conn. river) better.

For a couple of years now the walleye fishing business has been the fastest growing asset of the fishing retail market. This calculates to more fisherman and more revenues for all. (Not that the state agencies will use them properly!!! :roll: )

The VT walleye association should put a major emphasis on protecting the breeding walleyes of Champlain. The biggest hurddle is change. People don't like it and often can't see the" forest thru the trees" or "The bigger picture" if you will. Asking to take this early season away for many would be like restricting buck harvest during the rut. Which by the way is what ALL the midwest states have done and in return have grown a monster buck reputation that most are envious of, however no body wants to make the change back East here. Very short sighted and selfish actually. I will never understand the mentality. Luckily Humans have perfected travel and this great country of ours is not that big after all, but I believe everybody would like Quality hunting and fishing right out their back door :D

This year was the first spring since I started walleye fishing were the fish were still on the spawn due to high and cold waters. The fishing was SO easy I was shocked!! Believe it or not I actually netted two fish at once because the male wouldn't leave the females side!!! I doubt THAT will ever happen again!!!

Just my 2 cents as well ;)
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Re: Champlain Walleye

Post by 4cs »

A lot us have said that they did too little too late to help the walleye population but they have taken steps to help the spawning fish. Back in the hay day of of walleye fishing the season used to open the first Sat. in April with a 5 fish limit and 15" size limit. As the fishing declined there were a lot of factors involved in this, over fishing, loss of spawning habitat, competition for forage, survival rate of fry to name a few and then when it got to a point where is was just horrorible they started to make some changes. They moved the season back a full month to the first Sat. in May. They have closed the spawning grounds in the Lamoille, Winooski and the Missisquoi rivers until May 31, size limit was raised to 18" and they also lowered the daily limit to 3 fish, all in the hopes that these changes would at least give the fish a better chance to spawn. The VT Walleye Assoc. has played a pivotal role throught out this with they continued stocking program, helping to restore spawning grounds in the Missisquoi. So maybe with these changes it has turned the corner, will the fishing ever be like the good old days, we could hope but in reality, no but with seemingly things heading in a positive direction we will enjoy some good walleye fishing.

One thing to consider is the spring flooding and what will come out of it in the years to come. Did we lose a whole year class of fish ? Were all the eggs just washed downstream during the floods and I'm sure many more questions abound. In talking to a neighbor of mine and a big walleye fisherman these were all things that concerned him along with the fact that he caught mainly small fish most under the 18" size limit. Only time will tell how the walleye fishing will fair next year.

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Re: Champlain Walleye

Post by JabberJaws »

We have had many discussions about walleye this year at the shop. One thing that hasn't already been mentioned about this spring is that angling pressure was little to none and the effect that will have on the overall population. Hopefully they were able to spawn successfully and the fry made it but i have some doubts. Ramel
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Re: Champlain Walleye



Those are all the right regulations in my opinion. I was under the assumption that the fishery was open earlier. Cudos to the walleye association and their efforts. Now it's up to the fisherman. An alarming number of larger spawning sized fish are being kept by Champlain anglers. I enjoy fishing for big fish as much as the next guy, but seldom keep a walleye over 21".

I also have several good walleye lakes around where I live so I can move around and target the desired fish I wish to keep, but even in lakes like Canadorago I have caught females in excess of 8 lbs, but have never kept one. Admittedly the lake has a good population of 15-20" fish. You have all seen the Amazing night trips I have had year after year on Ontario, yet I have killed, but only one of those fish, for it was a personal goal to mount the first walleye I caught over 10Lbs. If I had it to do over I would have got a replica instead.

Just some food for though. Maybe returning these bigger fish would secure a more solid future for the fishery. It is very apparent that a small number of fisherman are doing the lions share of Walleye on Champlain. I think if they were all to work towards a common goal the fisheries future would be positive.

Every fisherman has the legal right to keep and kill any fishes caught while exercising legal fishing methods. Sometimes it takes more than just obeying the law to be a positive influence however.

Just saying ;)
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