Shelburne Bay 5/27

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Dilly Worm
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Joined: Tue Jul 16, 2019 9:22 pm
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Shelburne Bay 5/27

Post by Dilly Worm »

Shelburne Bay has a reputation for not being the salmon fishery it once was, so I don't usually fish there. But with the light wind and nice weather today it seemed like a good time for a change in scenery and a chance to take the rowboat out past the point toward Juniper island. Water is colder and more clear than at Town Farm Bay where we've been lately this spring, and the fish were few and far in between. It was maybe 51 F outside the bay, mid 50's inside, except warm near shore. Went 1 for 3 with a fish lost out by Rock Dunder and another lost inside the bay.

But a solid 18-inch salmon hit on 5 colors of lead in about 45 FOW inside the north end of the Bay. The fish swam towards the boat so fast I never had a chance to get a hand free while reeling in 5 colors worth of line, so it arrived at the boat before I could stash the oars out of the way or get the net... I watched it jump 3 times and nearly tangle the line around an oar before I found the net and snagged it.

So, it was just a 1-fish day, but I'm glad to have found a real live Salmon in Shelburne Bay. Will be back there again. Looks like a good spot to jig for lakers on the shoals north of the bay - does anyone else on LCU troll around there for salmon, or is it mostly a laker spot these days ?
I do not exaggerate when I talk about fishing - I underestimate, like I say "just one more cast honey, then I'll come home" !
Keep Calm and... Fish On !
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Re: Shelburne Bay 5/27

Post by sonny88 »

This time of year Shelburne bay used to be unreal for salmon. Fifty fish days were not uncommon. There used to be a big push of monnows heading for the Laplatte river that drew the fish in does that still happen? I'd love to fish Shelburne again but it just doesn't seem worth it most of the lake!
Posts: 316
Joined: Thu Jul 19, 2018 8:53 pm
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Re: Shelburne Bay 5/27

Post by striper192001 »

I used to as well but never caught that many. This will get me to try it again.....
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