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Whats really going on with Salmon in Lake Michigan

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 9:07 am
by digitroll (ron)
Strong parallel with Lake Ontario especially the last 3 seasons. This video was produced by the Michigan's DNR to help educate people about the challenges and changes with Lake Michigan:

Re: Whats really going on with Salmon in Lake Michigan

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 10:10 am
by Gecha (Gerry)
Very instructive video. Thanks Ron.

Re: Whats really going on with Salmon in Lake Michigan

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 4:44 am
by digitroll (ron)
Thanks Gerry. I thought it was very pro-active to have the Michigan DNR put out something like this to get to the fisherman about their salmon fishery. 11,000 views already.

The boom and bust cycle of catching a few fish one day and nothing the next is getting quite commonplace in Ontario the last 3 years when they start showing up near the Nuke plant to Mexico on the weekend of Labor day on the way to the Salmon river to spawn. The good old days of 4 years ago and beyond this time of year seem to be getting distant of double digit catches on some days. Nowadays that final week into Labor day (Prime Time) and beyond with those who are fortunate to catch of 4 salmon has become the new benchmark of a great day when the fish are concentrated ie. staging. Let's hope Ontario a fraction of the size of Michigan doesn't follow the same path.